
Less than 25% of Americans say they have found purpose for their lives. I find this absolutely heartbreaking. My testimony, which can be found on the Bio page, includes a ton of searching for that very thing. Throughout high school, I always craved more. I often felt like I was just going through the motions of life and that there just had to be something more than what I was living.

Luckily, there was. When I learned that being a Christian is actually way more than the ‘checklist and occasional attending of a performance to make ourselves feel good’ that the contemporary American church makes it out to be, everything changed.

“Living becomes an awesome business when you realize that you spend every moment of your life in the sight and company of an omniscient, omnipresent Creator” (J.I. Packer, Knowing God).

In following Jesus, I now have lifelong mission. Something that gets me out of bed every single morning. Something that makes every single second interesting and purpose filled- the mornings and evenings, the comings and goings, the intentional meetings and accidental passings, the exciting and mundane.

In the same book, Packer later writes, “What makes life worth while is having a big enough objective, something which catches our imagination and lays hold of our allegiance; and this the Christian has, in a way that no other man has.” This is exactly my experience.

The Creator of the entire universe designed you with a massive purpose. One that if chased after, will fulfill you like nothing else can. Trust me, I tried almost everything else first. Or take it from King Solomon who literally did try everything else first- and called it all vanity. If you’re in the 75% of people who feel as if they don’t have purpose for their lives, take it to God. He literally made you, you ought to give listening to him a try.


Paradoxical Joy.

