The Social Dilemma.

Over the past few months, I’ve been growing more and more convicted about a few things:

1- My time. Where you spend your time reflects the things that truly hold value to you. If you love it, you’ll make time for it. If you don’t, you won’t. I don’t want to waste my life (or any part of it) stuck in unhealthy habits.

2- What I’m feeding myself (and how it impacts me). Not food, but the other things I take in subconsciously on a daily basis. My interactions, habits, routines, music, screen time, etc. Things that play in the backgrounds of our lives.

3- Being present. Soaking in every moment. Living in the now.

These things- along with a second viewing of the documentary ‘The Social Dilemma’ (highly recommend)- have led me to remove myself from social media completely. I was spending way too much time scrolling aimlessly and unwillingly consuming content that was having a negative impact on my life. I was trapped. I really did enjoy social media and had made countless excuses as to why I should keep it in the past. But this time I finally did it. And boy did things change.

I’m now over two weeks into it, and I have already seen much fruit. I’m falling asleep faster, I’m getting better sleep, I’m seeing a vast impact in my productivity, I’m getting ahead on school and work-related things, and my screen time has been cut in half.

The biggest difference I’ve seen has been in my interactions with people. I’ve been way more present and intentional with many relationships. I’m not always feeling like there’s something else going on that I should be aware of or that I’m missing out. My ‘people pleasing’ is way down and truly loving and serving others because that’s what we’re called to do is way up.

Thrilled with the decision so far, but I still wanted a way to share stories and keep track of major life events. That’s why I’m starting this blog. Thanks for checking it out and feel free to reach out! I’d love to connect with you.


Don’t Waste Your Life.